Saturday, January 29, 2011

I am becoming me.
The shadows have swallowed all but the memory of the shell I once was...
A gesture.  A look.  An easy passing comment...
These things can pull me back into the memory of discontent;
I can feel the ghost of pain leaning close against my skin.
Breathing softly against my cheek...
But I am changed.
I will not be cajoled into dangerous reminiscence...
I am standing taller.
Looking others in the eyes.
I can smile.  And laugh.
I am sharing more of myself because there is more of me to share...
And I am less afraid of losing myself in the process.
I stared into the mirror this afternoon with surprise.
Returning my awestruck glance was a face that radiated health. 
The eyes watching mine glistened with excitement over having been discovered...
I am no longer captive to fears and insecurities.
I am becoming aquainted with strength and peace.
And the joys of love. 
For the first time, I am starting to see myself as lovable.
It's a new world.
And I'm happy to be in it.

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are so beautiful and eloquent, Jen. I am just in awe and amazement of you. Just wanted to say hi and let you know I am reading this!
