There is a natural progression in life... At first we grow, stretch, become... We stand and fall and stand again. We lean on others for support and guidance. And learn to run on our own...
I faltered in my progression early on... I felt unsafe in a world in constant flux. I was victimized before I knew what that meant. And in an effort to avoid further victimization, I built walls, separated myself from true growth, and stagnated...
Learning to put myself back on the map was an excrutiatingly difficult thing to do... Daring to believe in myself. Trusting in others. Risking further falls as I once again began taking tentative steps. I have stumbled on my path... Often pausing for balance checks on uncertain legs. But with each new successful step, I can feel my confidence swelling within me, charging me with joy, desire, and an intense inner fire to continue taking steps. I feel myself stretching into a run, filling my lungs and exercising my heart as never before. ♥
This is my evolution.